As the Founder and Principal Designer at KCL-IDESIGN, LLC (Interior Design Studio), DSVO originated from a creative avenue for my passion for interior design, colorful and innovative lifestyle, bubbly vibe (personality), and many obsessions. You will see who I am when I am not designing but traveling the globe, searching for the not-so-beautiful objects that are genuinely behind my authentic inspiration and drive my creativity.
So, what are the various characteristics of Kimberly C. Lyons?
A creative individual who started and built an Interior Design Studio from the ground up and who has a passion for designing bold, dominant, and one-of-a-kind spaces, a global traveler who prefers to travel internationally to acquire unlimited inspiration, loves to paint on canvas, raised as an overly spoiled brat and now is the mommy to a spoiled Boston Terrier, have an obsession with weight lifting/strength training, and most importantly, and before everyone and everything, a child of God.